Friday, February 22, 2019

What Toxic Ingredients Can Harm Your Skin

Our skin is our largest organ where the typical human body contains epidermis. All that skin plays a key role in our wellbeing because it serves as a protective barrier, helps to maintain stable body temperature and allows us the sense of touch. The skin acts as a passageway from the outside world into the bloodstream, so what we put on our skin can be absorbed by the body and enter our blood. Our skin can absorb up to 55-60% of what we slather onto it and the sensitive areas around our faces and armpits can absorb two to six times as much as other areas of the body. Cosmetic products usually penetrate the skin and it’s estimated that most of the makeup products that people use are absorbed in the skin and deposited into the circulatory system. If the makeup is rich in toxins, then it can cause irritation and other side effects. Every harsh product you use, eventually finds its way down the drain where it enters the environment and can pollute our rivers, streams and wildlife. So not only using a toxin free skincare is good for you, but also it is better for the environment too. Toxic ingredients can affect ecosystems, whereas natural ingredients simply return to the earth where they came from in the first place.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) find that many people absorb these toxic ingredients in their skin. Here are a few common ones:
These are linked to breast cancer and Type 2 diabetes as well as birth defects in male fetuses and early menopause in women. This toxic ingredient is commonly found in nail polishes, hair sprays, aftershave lotions, soaps, shampoos and fragrances.

The CDC found widespread exposure to parabens, although they argue measurable amounts don’t imply parabens cause adverse health effects. According to studies, the main concern with parabens in cosmetics is the potential of some to act like hormones and estrogens. This toxic ingredient is commonly found in makeup, moisturizers, hair care products, and shaving products.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
SLS creates foaming or lather in products. The EWG classifies SLS as an environmental toxin with strong evidence that it can irritate skin. This toxic ingredient is commonly found in makeup, toothpaste, hair care products, and beauty creams, among other products.

Triphenyl phosphate (TPhP)
TPHP makes nail polish resist chipping. One study found that TPhP disrupts carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism and DNA damage repair. This toxic ingredient is commonly found in nail polish and nail treatments.

Titanium dioxide
According to cosmetics researchers, titanium dioxide was listed as a potential human carcinogen. Over 70-80 percent of all products reported contain titanium dioxide.  This toxic ingredient is commonly found in makeups, sunscreens lotions, soaps and beauty creams among other products.

Avoiding toxic ingredients in cosmetics requires reading labels, choosing ethical brands and becoming proactive about what beauty products you put on your skin. Always read and get a toxin free skincare products, since you know exactly what that product goes into your skin. Aim for toxin free skincare products from companies that are proven to be toxin free and safe. Reducing toxin exposure and all its potential repercussions ultimately goes beyond cosmetics. What you eat and how you live can significantly impact your body’s toxic burden too.

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